Learn Meditation as a Life Skill

Meditation is often misunderstood as a hippy, spiritual mumbo-jumbo, but the science has investigated this ancient practice and studies prove that regular meditation is an anxiety busting and life enhancing tool. If performed correctly and regularly, it offers a sense of empowerment and an ability to improve one’s own wellbeing.


We are very lucky to have on our team Juliet Hollingsworth who is a highly trained and experienced hypnotherapist and guided meditation teacher. Her passion is helping valuable people – like yourself – to live their life to their full potential and meditation offers just the skillset. Juliet will be offering a four-session, weekly Beginners Meditation course from Thursday 10th September, and in the run up to the course we wanted to introduce you to the highly beneficial changes regular meditation can bring to your life.


Meditation is an ancient tradition, which is often associated or confused with religious practices, however, even though it easily slots in with spiritual practices, spirituality is not required to practice it or to experience its many benefits. It is not the same as mindfulness nor is it relaxation.

Meditation is connected to our daily activities and it is only truly possible if there is order in our lives. It also helps the practitioner to understand the process of thought in the modern world.  You can think of it as part of your mental hygiene.

Western science is now taking a deep interest in the workings of meditation and it has been proven that meditation can:

  • Reduce stress
  • Control anxiety
  • Improve emotional health
  • Increase self-awareness
  • Lengthen attention span
  • Improve sleep
  • Control pain
  • Reduce blood pressure

Including meditation in your daily life can improve your understanding and awareness of self, which will help you to reflect, grow and learn. It has the power to bring you closer to self-actualisation, as defined by Maslow in his hierarchy of needs:

“the realization or fulfilment of one’s talents and potentialities, especially considered as a drive or need present in everyone”


Juliet has created this course to teach the basics of meditation and help others to:

‘’ reach their potential, live the life you want to live and feel exuberant with it’’

To book the course please call (01252850800) or email (info@oakparkclinic.co.uk) our friendly team. Due to COVID safety protocols there are only three spaces, so please book now to avoid disappointment.

If you would like to know more about Juliet and why she is the perfect guide into the world of meditation please visit her website.